How does one describe something that is not tangible, yet feels so familiar? Like the smell of summer rain falling from the sky as you sit on your grandmother’s porch? Or a dream that you can’t quite remember - just out of your memory’s grasp? Sometimes, you simply have to live in the moment and experience it. 

These paintings represent a specific time of my life while living in a very specific place. Memories have been distilled into mark-making and unique color relationships that balance between past, present, and future.

Layers built upon each other create a sense of place on a two-dimensional surface. 

These paintings are an homage to a home that provided me shelter and brought me great hope during the pandemic. Much like the old house itself, they provide a place of shelter, a space to create memories, and once gone leave you with a sense of wonder. 

These new large-scale mixed media paintings will be on view at The Press Room in Portsmouth, N.H. the months of July and August..